AUTOGROUP srl - Centro Revisioni Auto Moto e Quad Monte San Savino

AUTOGROUP srl - Centro Revisioni Auto Moto e Quad
52048 MONTE SAN SAVINO via XXV Aprile, 125
Telephone 0575 810453 - 0575 810712
Time: 9,00 – 13,00 e 15,00 – 1 9,30
Closed: Sabato pomeriggio e Domenica
Website: http://www.auto-groupsrl.it/
Business card (vCard)

Been autogroup Srl?
We can offer: ITALY
Discount Tires 40-60% while stocks
Auto Parts Discount 20-50%
Selling new and used cars
Auto coupons
Workshop Parts
You can call us to book the audit and have further clarification or go to our center revisions. Our center is open from Monday to Friday at the times indicated in the upper destra.Ci can find the exit in Monte San Savino on the A1.
Please note that by performing the periodic review at our center in GIFT revisions can have one of the following gifts: ITALY
Washing his car, Photo Pizza and beer at the restaurant Pizzeria VINYL Monte San Savino, Photo EXCLUSIVE WINE BOTTLE NUMBERED D.O.C. Rosso di Montepulciano the Company Antico Colle barricaded 4 months.